Tools, Tools, Tools

How to set up a digital organization

Uwe Weinreich
11 min readJun 21, 2023


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Today, everything is so easy. You can set up a communication tool in minutes, a professional-looking website in hours, and organize an entire company in a few days. There’s a Software as a Service (SaaS) or an app for every task. Just a few clicks away, there’s the next fancy solution.

As easy as using the plethora of tools, it’s easy to lose track and control of spendings. Here are some evaluation criteria you can use before signing up for the next service.

The initial software landscape

Software makes possible what was unthinkable 50 years ago: building a fully functioning business without a lot of effort. Today, most software solutions are available as a service over the Internet. That’s remarkable, and it offers a wide variety of options that startups can take advantage of.

What does the basic equipment look like?

It varies, of course, depending on the business model and needs. While 3D graphics tools are basic equipment for a game design agency, a manufacturer of consumer goods is more likely to need an online shop. In addition to these specific tools, there are some that are universal.



Uwe Weinreich
Uwe Weinreich

Written by Uwe Weinreich

Uwe works as coach, author and consultant focusing on agile innovation and digital transformation. What he does is simple: he solves problems.

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